5 Greek Temples You Can't Miss - Me Want Travel
Temple Hopping in Greece Aside from its undeniable rich history and fascinating culture, Greece is internationally known for its trademark architecture. Among their many world-renowned landmarks, the Hellenic Republic’s beautiful temples still stand as not only one of the country’s main tourist attractions, but also as a reminder that Greece is one of the oldest and most durable civilizations that has ever existed. In this article we will take a look at five of the most recognizable Greek temples that you should visit if you happen to travel to Greece Temple of Olympian Zeus Ancient History highlights that the Temple of Zeus is one of the largest temples ever built in ancient history thanks to its ambitious layout and distinctively tall columns. Such was the ambition of the temple that it took 700 hundred years to be completed. During its heyday, the temple featured numerous gigantic statues of Zeus made out of gold and chryselephantine. As Athens is likely to be the first stop for any visitor to Greece, the Temple of Olympian Zeus is the best place to start your temple hopping. You can see more on what to do in Athens here. Temple of Athena If there’s one […]