Castel Nuovo in Naples, Italy – Naples is so beautiful and the pizza is so great, it’s definitely a contender for anyone’s bucket list.
Creating my own bucket list was so much fun that I decided to compile a new travel bucket list based on adventures from amazing travelers all over the world. Here is what an international cadre of travel-savvy bloggers have to say about their top travel adventures:
No. 1 |Shayan | Dose of Life
“My wife and I recently took a road trip from Bangkok to Chiang Mai and although you wouldn’t call it an adventure in the wildest sense, it was one of the most amazing experiences we’ve shared together. It was an adventure in itself because we had to navigate our way through half a dozen provinces of Thailand, drive up winding roads and encounter wonderful sights along the way. Once we reached Chiang Mai, we had a whirl wind of tiny adventures such as hiking up to the tallest mountain in Thailand, jump off cliffs into a man-made quarry filled with aqua blue water and climbing a very unique waterfall called Bua Thong Waterfall where you can casually climb up the rocks without slipping! This road trip was life changing because not only did it bring us closer together but we learned to travel in a way we’ve never done before.”
No. 2 | Alice | Teacake Travels
“Constantly seeking the most gut bubbling, finger tingling, jelly leg experiences throughout this colourful and exhilarating planet, when I heard about hiking Huashan in China, I immediately said yes. Strapping yourself high in the sky to what seems like a fragile washing line and walking alone a thin wooden plank isn’t everyone’s cup of tea. Hands down though, it has been one of my best adventures to date. The views are absolutely stunning and the satisfaction you get from completing the trail is tenfold. It’s not called one of the most dangerous trails in China for nothing though. Apparently 100 people die on this mountain each year. Release your inner adrenaline junkie and go for it!”
No. 3 | Joseph | Hype in Tokyo
“In 2013 I went on an adventure without much thought of the challenge. Climb Mt. Fuji. That year it was declared a World Heritage site so it was the perfect chance to do it before the high season started. What is the crazy part? While thousands start their climb at the 5th station, I heard about the story of few that carried water from the ocean to the top of Mt. Fuji and pour it inside the crater. There was my adventure. I bought all the necessary goods for orientation and climbing, printed a few maps of the area arrived just on time to see the most beautiful sunrise of all Japan 24 hours later.”
No. 4 | Samantha | Follow Your Road
“I embarked on the road to getting a scuba diving license in Batangas, Philippines. I’m not a very good swimmer and neither am I diver. But learning about the scuba diving gears and technique kept me on my toes. Upon my first dive, the lessons were already worth it. I saw first hand corals of various textures and shapes clumped together just beneath my feat! Various sea creatures also swum right across us as we skillfully hovered above the entire stretch of reef. The Philippines is known for having some of the largest concentration of marine biodiversity. And scuba diving is just the starting line to prepare me for greater deep sea adventures in my country. :)”
No. 5 | Yvonne | The Tourist of Life

No. 6 | Eride | Queidue

I hope this post gives you new ideas for places and destinations to add to YOUR bucket list. There’s no way we could possibly cover every single amazing destination in the world..what are some things on YOUR list that we didn’t cover? Share in the comments below!
Alice Teacake
February 3, 2016 at 7:38 amThank you so much for including me in the post and I love the other ideas! I’m still yet to make it up to Fuji. One day 🙂
February 3, 2016 at 2:22 pmHaha me too! Mt. Fuji and Mt. Kilimanjaro are both on my hiking list..completing Machu Picchu must’ve bitten me with the hiking bug. Thanks so much for contributing and it was great working with you!!