
How an INFJ Travels

how an INFJ travels
Lately, I have been obsessed with Meyers Brigg (as many of my close friends and coworkers can tell you). It’s not without its faults and of course, any one test cannot define who you are, but it has been an immensely helpful tool in understanding myself better. As an INFJ, we are 1-2% of the population and are known as “quiet and mystical, yet very inspiring and tireless idealists.” Those who know me well would dispute the “quiet” part, but for the most part, reading the INFJ description was scarily accurate. It felt like someone was reaching into my brain and explaining my thoughts, mindset, and struggles more eloquently than I had ever been able to. We are known as the dreamers and doers, the ones who think big and also execute on their ideas and goals, like traveling. This may be your first time traveling alone or maybe you’re traveling with an INFJ or maybe you’re just curious. This post will provide you with another view as to how an INFJ travels.

How an INFJ travels

1. We will need alone time. This is so necessary and as an introvert, it’s okay to ask for that. If you’re traveling with other extroverts, they may not quite understand why you need to go to your room and recharge, but I’m here to tell you that it’s okay to ask for that time. After you recharge, you will be a better you – tell your friends that they will like you more for it 😉

2. Deep conversations are important to us and we find speaking to locals eye-opening and key to truly experiencing a new place. It’s funny how the more you travel, the more you realize people are the same. Even though we may look different or speak in different languages, we all have fears, dreams, and people we love. We can choose to find common ground and stand together or we can choose to be divided and separated by our differences.

3. We will want to write/draw about our travels. We basically somehow want to creatively capture what we’re doing because we will want to look back at it later. In terms of journals, I personally love this Moleskine one because its design is simple, materials are high quality, and it allows me to jot down random notes. This one is also good for traveling as it’s smaller and easier to carry around in your backpack or purse. Write down those notes, draw that scenic view of those mountains, and who knows, maybe it will be the beginning to your memoir 🙂


4. We tend to prefer staying at Airbnbs and hostels to hotels because it gives us an opportunity to either a) learn about the culture by staying with a local and living like they’re living or b) gives us a guaranteed chance to meet other folks. A paradox of the INFJs is we’re genuinely interested in other people and so are often mistaken as extroverts, but we also need down time. That’s why having a private room in an Airbnb or a hostel is the perfect way to get the best of both worlds. 🙂

5. Our trips will typically be pretty planned because of our Judging (J) function. As J’s, we like to know what we’re doing, where we’re sleeping, and may or may not have a pre-researched list of all the places we want to eat, go, and explore. Meanwhile P’s tend to be more go with the flow and spontaneous.

6. Embrace your uniqueness. As INFJ’s, we are great social chameleons and can adapt to pretty much any social situation. This can be draining though because you’re constantly assessing the room and reassessing. This is part of who we are and we can’t help it. However, don’t sacrifice social harmony at the expense of yourself! Take care of yourself, know that you’re special, and that people will often misunderstand you. This doesn’t mean that your feelings or thoughts are not valid. Continue to be a boss, take pride in your uniqueness, and go out there and kick some travel butt!

Are there any particular approaches you have to traveling as an INFJ? Share in the comments below!

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